What are scars and how does Trofolastin Scars work?

A scar is a permanent alteration in the structure of the skin, due to a change in the skin tissue as a result of a wound, and its consequent repair.

The 3 stages of scar formation

  1. Inflammatory phase:
    In this first phase, the formation of new blood vessels occurs. Inflammatory cells that aim to heal the wound gather at the location, as well as some blood cells such as platelets to promote blood clotting.
  2. Proliferative phase:
    Collagen fibres and fibrin are structured to give support to avoid a break in the skin. If the formation of this proliferative tissue is excessive, this causes stress to the wound.
  3. Remodelling phase:
    Is the last stage in healing. It begins around one and half months after the creation of the wound and ends after a year. The excess collagen fibres are reabsorbed, leaving only those of the initial wound. Little by little the scar will adopt its future appearance.

Development of scars

The development of the scars will be determined by different factors. First of all, the type of wound and how it was created is important. Larger wounds or wounds that have distorted the tissue, will cause larger scars or look worse.

Other factors that influence the growth and final appearance of the scar are: the type of skin, age, the affected area of ​​the body, the tension to which the wound is subjected, the orientation and general factors such as the nutritional or immune condition.

Dermatological treatments help improve the appearance of a scar, but it is impossible to erase it completely.

Trofolastin scars: how does it work?

The  Trofolastin patches reduce and prevent the formation of hypertrophic and keloid scars from wounds of all kinds (surgical, infectious, trauma, etc.).

The patches are made of a polyurethane dressing, which contains two layers. A micro porous superficial layer and a deep layer created by acrylic material that facilitates its adherence to the skin.

They do not contain drugs or active ingredients, and they act through the pressure they exert on the scar and the humid microclimate they are able to form on the skin - facilitating its healing. In addition, they provide solar protection, to help avoid hyperpigmented scarring and skin aging caused by the sun.

How to use Trofolastin Scars?

First of all, we recommend that you choose the patch size of Trofolastin Scars that best suits the surface you need to cover. 

  1. Trim the patch to the size of the wound, covering the entire perimeter of the wound well. It can be useful, for a better adherence, to round the edges.
  2. Clean the skin with soap and water and pat it dry.
  3. Do not apply any cream or any product onto the clean skin.
  4. Then place the trimmed patch on to the skint. It will last for around 7 days. It is not necessary to remove it to shower or for your usual hygiene routine.

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