
Reading the skin

Sometimes our skin holds some of our souvenirs, but… shouldn't they be in our memory? In our blog you will find tips, tricks and unique information to get a skin without souvenirs. You're welcome!

Trofolastin Benefits

Scars in children

But do children have scars? Yes! In reality, normal childhood accidents can result in the occurrence of scars. As their skin has to last "a lifetime", proper care of wounds and scars will affect the condition, the functionality and aesthetics...

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Trofolastin Benefits

What are the different types of scars?

Healing is a physiological process that occurs when there has been an injury to the skin fibres. The skin has the potential to regenerate although it does not always do it in the same way, meaning there are different types...

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Trofolastin Benefits

What are scars and how does Trofolastin Scars work?

A scar is a permanent alteration in the structure of the skin, due to a change in the skin tissue as a result of a wound, and its consequent repair. The 3 stages of scar formation Inflammatory phase: In this...

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